Some good comments. I agree with poppers & awildflower.
To me spirituality is inner growth and learning to be in tune or harmony with the universe we live in.
Unless you are Neil Armstrong, that means being in tune with nature on planet Earth.
i was watching cnn, an d they asked this question and this one lady called in and claimed she wasn't raised in a religious household.
but she remembered when she was in elementary school that this jw girl asked her if she was spritual she said no, then the jw told her she would go to hell.
Some good comments. I agree with poppers & awildflower.
To me spirituality is inner growth and learning to be in tune or harmony with the universe we live in.
Unless you are Neil Armstrong, that means being in tune with nature on planet Earth.
for the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of god: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of god?
- 1 peter 4: 17. .
on my previous thread regarding false wt teachings, i reminded everyone of a scripture we all heard constantly (shown above).
I don't like all this talk of judgement and darkness. I prefer the words of that nice man John:
Very truly, I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, and does not come under judgement, but has passed from death to life. John 5.24
.....disfellowshipping, i think.. potential disfellowshipping, current disfellowshipping, disfellowshipping of people we love.. it's the most genius cult tool ever invented..
I'm here because the Colosseum closed and I miss Caesar dreadfully and the cut and thrust of combat.
I come here to laugh at my own jokes! Very few others do but I live in a world of my own. Delusion can be comforting.
ever hear somebody say, "trust your gut..."?.
or, like obe wan kenobe: "trust your feelings...."?.
have you ever followed that "little voice" that whispers to you that you should or should not do something?.
Indeed, perhaps we should explore, choose, and actively endorse an alternative word.
Intuition should refer to an inner thought process that results in unplanned moments of understanding.
The idea that we can tune into invisible outside influences as a short cut to understanding could be called outuision.
ever hear somebody say, "trust your gut..."?.
or, like obe wan kenobe: "trust your feelings...."?.
have you ever followed that "little voice" that whispers to you that you should or should not do something?.
Terry - 'My first comment on this thread was, ' Intuition has been tarnished by its association with mysticism, a belief that we can tune into some invisible force and attain unearned knowledge. I separate mystical intuition from intuition that comes from our own store of information, or experience.'
Reading through the posts here I don't think other people, on the whole, are confused by the term 'intuition.' They understand that it is sometimes attached to mysticism and sometimes refers to the action of the mind as a whole, free from mystisism.
You seem dislike the word 'intuition' because it can be misunderstood. You like things to be black or white. You are on a mission to eliminate mystical thinking and do this with great success. But although 'intuition' can be an ambiguous word, as can many words, it is is a perfectly good word. There is no reason to throw the baby out with the bath-water.
ever hear somebody say, "trust your gut..."?.
or, like obe wan kenobe: "trust your feelings...."?.
have you ever followed that "little voice" that whispers to you that you should or should not do something?.
My intuition tells me not to fear this wimp. He is not the true emperor but an impostor. It is Terry I fear!
ever hear somebody say, "trust your gut..."?.
or, like obe wan kenobe: "trust your feelings...."?.
have you ever followed that "little voice" that whispers to you that you should or should not do something?.
Intuition has been tarnished by its association with mysticism, a belief that we can tune into some invisible force and attain unearned knowledge. I separate mystical intuition from intuition that comes from our own store of information, or experience.
All our memories and emotions are stored in our mind but only one thing at time can have our conscious attention. This information can cause an answer to come into our consciousness, unprompted and appear to be intuition. We will often come to a correct conclusion about something without consciously knowing why.
This is particularly true when we ask ourselves what is right for us, when we have a decision to make. There is an emotional part of us that knows from experience what has hurt us and what has brought us pleasure. It can and does communicate to us, what will suit us best, through our emotion.
We also unconsciously notice many things, such a people’s body language. This allows us to come to accurate conclusions about a person, without always knowing why we feel easy or uneasy in their company.
So I don’t think intuition should be dismissed just because it has been tarnished with mysticism. It is a valuable part of how our mind uses our experience to protect and guide us. It is that small voice that talks to us. But it is just that, our small voice, not a spirit guide or friendly elf.
This is just my opinion which is subject to change at any time without notice. I accept no liability and no refund will be given.
So who is the black dude in the beanie? And who is that woman sitting next to him...
Could be the Wild Beast and the Harlot!
Thanks for posting that.
I have listened to the whole speech. Humorous and polite to begin with. Then hard hitting, intelligent and his comments were based on historical and present day facts not belief.
He sounded nervous when he got to the more personal and damning part. A superb speech from a much admired man. Of course he lives in my country and is English which explains so much - don't you know.
or are the two interconnected?.
just watched a dateline episode that dealt with social conformity in which they duplicated the 50's experiment telling a person to shock another while listening to him scream from the other room.
most of the people involved just kept shocking the other person due to the authority figure in the room telling them to continue.. so, are jw's under mind control in it's purest form, or just under social conformity pressure?
So, are Jw's under mind control in it's purest form, or just under social conformity pressure? Or both?
Jeff, I think you already know the answer which is why you have include both in your question.